Thursday 19 March 2015

Creme Egg Cupcakes

So its been a while lovelies...

Thought i would let you in on my Creme Egg Cupcakes i made the other week...

As it is Easter literally around the corner! I am very excited by this...eeek!

This reciepe made 8 good sized cupcakes... which was ideal, as the leftover Creme Eggs could be scoffed!!

You will need:

- for the cakes

8 standard Creme Eggs- put in the freezer (deep freeze) for about an hour before creating..
8 Muffin Cases
125g Caster Sugar
125g Unsalted Butter softened
2 Large Eggs at room temperature
100g Self Raising Flour
25g Cocoa Powder (i used Green & Blacks)
1tbp Vanilla Extract
1tbsp Milk

And i cheated with the icing due to time... i had none! So i used just 1 tub of Betty Crocker Vanilla Buttercream and a star shaped nozzle and piping bag.

--Also you will need 8 mini Creme Eggs to go on the top for decoration.

Pre heat your oven to 180c and line your cupcake tin with the cases.

Beat the butter and sugar either by hand, but this will take a while longer and give you serious muscles haha- or use a mixer.

Slowly add your eggs and flour, a bit at a time, and then let everything come together, making sure no lumps can be seen.

Add the rest of the ingredients to the mixer and give it 3.

Take out your Creme Eggs and unwrap.

Put a tablespoon of cake mixture to your cases, and then put the whole Creme Egg in the case, follow with about 3/4 of a tablespoon of cake mixture on the top.

Bake for about 15 mins, but i would check on them and if there is a wobble, leave for a further 2-5 minutes.

Remove from oven

Once you are able to take them from the tray let them cool completely on a wire rack.

Then ice as desired.

Top with a minature Creme Egg

Your all done! Now enjoy!!

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