Friday 12 June 2015

Mini Random Shop...

Hey lovelies!

I am so late with these blogs of late... not on purpose i must add...

I didn't mean to spend any money Wednesday, but that's the problem, when your car goes into the garage, and they issue you with a ticket into town.....

I didn't buy any food or a Starbucks- that's called CONTROL ahaha!

So all i 'had' to buy were these following items below.

So i bought, from Boots... 

  • Biore Deep Cleansing Charcoal Pore Strips. Now i know, many don't like to admit, that they use these, but there are pretty good at doing the job. These were on a deal if i can remember too, as they are more expensive than the normal ones in the range. 
  • A carton of Strawberry Ribena, well because i was very thirsty rambling through town, trying to kill 4 hours....
  • Montagne Jeunesse Black Seaweed Peel Off Masque, so good as it was priced at £1. It was ok to use, although i did find it made my skin feel almost sore underneath whilst it was working... not a great feeling to be honest. I probably wont use it again... The other masks in their range are better.
  • I was looking for pleated cotton wool, as everywhere only seems to sell the pads which are ok, but not ideal for removing makeup completely. 
Quite a boring blog, so sorry for that, but hey ho!

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