Wednesday 13 April 2016

My life is to be surrounded by my boys.

Hey peeps, its me! 

Anyway, thought i would catch you up on whats been going on in my life this past 4 months...

So back before Christmas i felt something was 'up'. Turned out intuition does exist. I was expecting!

As you may or may not be aware of, the first few months are complete torture and the worst part of pregnancy if i am honest. 

We have been to both our scans which, still to this day is magical and fascinating. (how can something be created from a moment of fun/madness ha)! 

16 weeks (heard the heartbeat for the first time)
20 weeks (halfway)

21+4 weeks with a son!

We found out this Monday that we are having a boy. My third son. Something we are very very happy with indeed. 

Beautiful baby boy.

But sadly this pregnancy has not been all flowers and rainbows. Due to me having a complicated pregnancy four years ago with my Mason, it seems my uterus is incredibly sensitive which leads to me being unable to walk for more than 20-30 mins at any one time. Contracting daily too. 

But at least we can now get the items we need (or in my case, do not really need, and its more of an impulse shall we say), and prepare for the little man to arrive in early August.

Until next time... Ta xx

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