Wednesday 6 July 2016

3rd trimester: Pregnancy Update

Hey lovelies, i cannot believe i am 34 weeks today. How has that gone by so quick?

Whilst we have most of our baby things ready, which includes getting the moses basket all dressed, washing the clothes, and having the car seat sorted. we still have the odd bits to get sorted, which we will do as and when. Probably last minute!

But sadly i have been made aware that my baby is in a breech position. Which means i could have him in the next month. If i am honest, i am quite against it, not because of surgery, but because life for the 6 weeks will become alot more difficult in the terms of looking after my boys and general day to day errands.

So i have been given a list of, shall we say, interesting manoeuvres to get baby W moving. 

Going swimming, and doing headstands under the water.
Frozen peas on the top of my abdomen area to get him to move away, and hopefully down.
Moxibustion which is the holistic approach and making my body go almost upside down for 3 breaths to get baby to flip. 

I have till 36 weeks, 37 weeks at tops to get to see if he will move, before having a scan to confirm his position, and then to be booked in for a c section. Sob.

Also whilst i have been in the maternity hospital, i was tested twice to see if i would be likely to go into preterm labour. That test is called the Fibronectin test, which basically means the doctors take a sample of your cells from the neck of your cervix and it detects whether or not you would be going into labour within a 2-3 week period. So obviously it tested positive on both tests. Typical me.

So lets hope that the little monkey serious likes acrobatics and flips into the head down position, which could mean i go the full 42 weeks like my current youngest did, or baby number 3, will be here early August!

Pray for me.

C xx

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