Friday 8 July 2016

Get to know me tag: 21 Questions

Hey lovelies,

Today i'll do the tag where i answer 21 questions about myself.

I've seen this in quite a few blogs, and i thought it would be a nice idea to do this as well so you guys know more about me!

Here we go...

  1. Are you named after anyone? I was told many years ago that my name was between two choices. They flipped a coin to decide what my name was... Anyway that was untrue. Found out last January when my late nanny was sick, that my name was because of one of her favourite Classical pieces Clair de Lune by Debussy. So means alot. 
  2. When was the last time you cried? I don't usually show much emotion, that's just how i am. I think the last time i cried was at my nanny's funeral last year.
  3. Do you have children? Yes i do. Two sons and expecting my first son with my new partner in August this year. 
  4. If you were another person, would you be a friend of yourself? Possibly...
  5. Do you use sarcasm a lot? Yes, i do. I think humor is important, you have to laugh daily, otherwise life becomes too serious. 
  6. Will you ever bungee- jump? Absolutely not. I have a fear not only of heights, but of wacky things like bungee- jumping and skydiving etc... I have abseiled though, so that's me done haha.
  7. What do you have for breakfast? Either a juice or a coffee, i do not eat any food until later on in the morning.
  8. What's the first thing you notice about people? I try to work out their personality, to see what they are like before they speak. I'd like to think i get along with most people. I do not like stuck up brats, who think they are better than everyone else.
  9. What is your eye colour? Grey/ green. They were blue as a child.
  10. Scary movie or romantic ending? Honestly. Not fussed. I am not a big movie/ film fan, i prefer music. 
  11. Favourite smells? A new car smell, American supermarkets ( its weird, i know) and coffee.
  12. Summer or Winter? Autumn! It seems to be nicer the later into the year in the UK of late. August thru October is generally not too hot or too cold. 
  13. Computer or TV? Hmmm, tough one. Computer for YouTube, blogging and online shopping and TV for E! - Do not judge me. LOL
  14. What's the furthest you have ever been from home? California. Been so blessed to be able to travel to the USA as many times as i have. Very blessed.
  15. Do you have any special talents? Ha, i have no idea. I would like to think i have, but i guess that's debatable!
  16. Where were you born? Cambridgeshire, UK
  17. What are your hobbies? Spending time with my children and family on a weekly basis, blogging, listening to music, interiors, cooking and motorbikes/ cars. 
  18. Do you have any pets? Yes, one Jack Russell. His name is Rex.
  19. Favourite movie/ film? Like i mentioned above, but i have a few which include- Romeo & Juliet, Titanic, and Se7en.
  20. Do you have any siblings? Yes, one sister who turns 26 on Monday.
  21. What do you want to be when you grow up? Well considering i am approaching the big 30 next September, i honestly do not have a clue. I just want to be happy like i am every single day that i am alive. Have a healthy and happy family. I wouldn't mind going back to college on a p/t basis to get my beauty back up to scratch. Who knows.

That's it!


Until next time

C xx

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