Thursday 21 May 2015

30 Days of Beauty...

So there is a 'thing' currently spreading across Instagram. Its called, #30DaysofBeauty. Its been coming up on my feed for while now, and i thought, why not see if i can join that band wagon myself?

So, over the next 30 days, i too will be posting and reviewing what i believe are my personal favourites over the topics which include favourite foundations, skincare creams, least favourite products, and top beauty looks etc...

Too start off then, here is my #30DaysofBeauty 'hashtag'. 

Day 1: Favourite Brands.

I have had to narrow it down, as i have alot of favourite brands. 

So here is what i chose for mine.

Urban Decay
Collection (formally Collection2000)
Soap & Glory

 I wont elaborate on the items themselves, no doubt i will waffle on later on in the month...

What are your favourites? 

Bye for now xx

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