Friday 22 May 2015

Strawberry Cheesecake Cupcakes

So a few days ago, i was itching to do a bake of some kind, and had been deliberating over doing a large cake or a batch of cupcakes. After alot of thought, these were made....and consumed!

Makes 12 (plus maybe 2 more...)

For the sponges

Muffin cases
240g plain flour
280g caster sugar
2tsp baking powder
80g unsalted butter
180ml milk
1tsp vanilla extract
2 large eggs
12 large strawberries (cut up small)
4 digestive biscuits

For the Cream Cheese Frosting

500g icing sugar
70g unsalted butter- at room temperature
180g Philadelphia 

Heat your oven to 180c 

Put the flour, sugar, butter, baking powder into your mixer- (you could do this by hand, but it will take you a while!), on a slow speed to start off with, and let it all combine for about 5 minutes or so, until you get a sandy consistency.

Next in a jug, add your eggs and vanilla extract, and mix together, add this into your dry mix and allow another 3-4 minutes to mix.

Meanwhile chop your strawberries and put an even amount into your cases, which should be lined in your muffin tin. 

Slowly in stages add your milk- you may find you might not need all of the milk, this can be different each and every time you make these. Its normal. 

You will find that the mixture once all of your ingredients are in your mixing bowl, should look gloopy, and almost runny. This is how its meant to be, the end result will be light, fluffy cupcakes!

Spoon the cake mixture into your cases, on top of the strawberries, i would only fill to just over half, as they will rise ALOT, and you do not want them to over flow. 

Once this is done, bake in your oven for about 22- 25 minutes. 


Leave to cool for about 10 mins in the tin itself, before letting to cool completely on a wire rack.

The cakes will have soggy bottoms, as the strawberries have done this. This is fine, you will find that the fruit will have sunk which is normal.

Cream Cheese Frosting

Add your icing sugar, Philadelphia and half the butter, into your cold mixing bowl, and put onto the slowest speed your machine will go.

 Allow at least 5-7 mins for all of the ingredients to combine, then when you are happy with how it is looking add the remaining butter and continue for further 5 minutes, making sure you scrap down and around the bowl at the end. 

If you find the frosting is too 'wet', turn the machine off and put the bowl into the fridge for a few minutes, to firm up.

When your cakes are cold, you can either pipe the icing on or using a round ended palette knife to spread it on the cupcakes. 

Finish with a sprinkle of crumbled digestives!

Well done!

Now enjoy!!

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